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What are Artificial trans fats?
Artificial trans fats are created in an industrial process by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make them solid. It is an inexpensive way to add to food products and thus increase their shelf life.
What are the other names this ingredient is also known as?
The main name you can find on food labels is “partially hydrogenated oils.” If you see this term, it means the product contains this ingredient created through a process called partial hydrogenation. So, keep an eye out for “partially hydrogenated oils” in the ingredients list to spot it in your food.
What products is it used in?
They are found in cakes, cookies, pies and other baked goods. It is also added to vegetable oils, chips, popcorn, frozen foods such as pizza and nuggets, non dairy coffee creamers, ready to use frostings, fast foods and other food products.
What is the source of this ingredient?
Artificial Trans Fats are considered synthetic. They are created through a process called partial hydrogenation, where hydrogen is added to liquid oils to make them solid. Natural forms can be found in small amounts in some animal products, but the artificial ones are associated with various health concerns. Artificial Trans Fats may or may not be vegan or vegetarian. They’re industrially processed, found in various processed and fried foods. If found in vegetarian and vegan products, it will be sourced from plant based materials.
Is this ingredient bad for me?
They can potentially raise LDL/bad cholesterol and reduce HDL/good cholesterol. This can potentially increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes if consumed in excess.
What should I do?
Avoid at all costs
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