Wall ofLove

Real People. Real Reviews
Our Community
always has our back

Sukhbir Singh
My company gifted us @thewholetruthfoods bars on Diwali and they awesome 🔥🔥 glad to know, how you decided to fight against them!

Naitree Desai
Your bars are excellent! No comparison, keep doing the good work.

Aakash Srivastava
Just submitted a new review. The whole truth and nothing else ;) 🤗

Dr. Adwait Ranade
Haters are gonna hate! Leave them where they belong! We are always with you as your loyal customers!! More power to you!! Just love love love your protein bars!!

@thewholetruthfoods Do not worry about negativity sir ,We know your protein bars ,trust me they’re truly amazing ,much needed energy in this pandemic ,I’ve put a story in my page supporting you against these fake reviews,please check it ,This is my smallest help I could do ❤️

Keri | Skincare & wellness
I will support you just for echoing, "When they go low, we go high". Love me some Obamaisms 😁 also, despicable behaviour. 😡 But you needn't worry, yours is the long term vision which always pays off. Just focus on what you do and you'll be golden😊💛

Jitesh Khandelwal
A lesson from video games. If you're being attacked it means you're going on the right track. 😜

Amita Ghosh
Can’t beleive this! I personally had it and it was amazing !!

Shanthan Kasula
We are with you @thewholetruthfoods

Archana Satwalekar
As a mom the best bar ever and my two teenagers agree !

Abhijeet Vaishnav
You don't even need to clarify dude. People know your purity. You've made an impact. They don't even matter

Ankit Bhanot
I have finished two boxes and my next one is from Amazon just to give you

Arushi Kukreja
You have the support of those who have tasted the bars...have left a glowing review for the bars I love and trust.

Karan Sachdev
Bad taste? Too sweet? They have definately not had your bars. Would be happy to leave a good review.

Diksha Pande
Shashank Mehta I am not a protein bar fan but just to support your fight will order. Restaurants and food service businesses have long been victims of this phenomenon. Don't let this bother you. Your community will stand by you in the long term

Tamiesh (Tam) Sood
Sad to see this happening. I love the product both as a consumer and as an avid follower of the D2C space. Will definitely do my bit.

Aish Vinder (Udhamsingh.eth)
I've seen horrible practice being done by multiple companies, broke my heart to see it. I just gave 5 different reviews on your product right now and also placing the order right now.

Sandeep Ramesh
Just a road bump on the highway. I'm more interested in when you guys will be available in the US:) I can tell you I have not found a better bar here. Shashank Mehta

Aditi Lipin
This takes courage, kudos! I'm someone very far from your TG but still followed your page for the detailed information.

Bhavini Verma
Sending validation!🔥 Keep up the great work team❤️

Aprajita Vaid
A brand that wants to be conscious about their content. Only makes me love you guys more ♥️

Neha C. Parihar
Don't go. You are one of the few authentic pages on Insta whose posts I look forward to. It just makes logical sense for a person o follow you. Even if you go, come back soon and thanks for enlightening us on topics we never knew we needed enlightenment 🙏🏻

Poruri Sai Rahul
Don’t worry @thewholetruthfoods , i still follow you closely on YouTube and probably most true foodies here do as well. Keep up the scientifically well researched work and for taking on the huge challenge of educating people about something they don’t want to know about or don’t care enough to know about.

This. This is the caption i needed to read today. Thank you. Enjoy your break, no matter whatever led to it :)

Malini Agarwal (MissMalini)
Oh that hit me right on the feels ❤️🩹 let’s meet offline and hug it out and never post about it.

Sonal Choudhury
I feel the drift, and I have so much respect for a brand that acknowledges it. Do what it takes for you to be whole, because there are only a few who are as truthful as you. More power to you ❤️

Nidhi | HealthyHairEnthusiast
Completely feel you.. I stopped using Instagram for sometime for the same reason. I hope you find a better platform that deserves your in-depth knowledge.❤️

Kudos to @twitellectual for taking a stand to take a break from Instagram while building @wholetruthfood. I strongly believe that the rabbit hole of these algorithms only makes them richer & doesn’t really add any value to your business.

Apt that @wholetruthfood called out the instagram algorithm. Such platform thinking reduces brand marketing to putting up (mindless) content every single day. PoVs like these are also needed to counter big tech's vacuous big talk. @twitellectual

Abhishek Agrawal
Have been following your page post and the interviews that you have given on "taking a break from insta"..must say "bold" and "strong move" and love the way you are building trust and credibility in this "half-truth food ecosystem". Love the "whole truth" of The Whole Truth Foods brand ❤

Mansi Gupta
Takes a lot of courage! But what you did here takes it to another level. As a founder of Indian start up, you are an inspiration. Especially how were able to acknowledge the drift and more so, act on it. Speaks volumes about you as a leader. Thank you for making 'take a break' feel so normal. Humanization of a brand, establishes so much about you and your products.

Ruchika Wadhwa Bhalla
It's commendable how honest and outspoken this move is. Hoping more and more leaders take this route. And I'm sure that your tribe and your loyal customers are not going to be negatively affected by this. If anything, this builds even more trust! An amazing and empowering move! 🔥Sending you and your team only the best and the most "whole"some wishes. :)

Shubham Agarwal
Shashank Mehta you are not only re-building trust in food but also re-building marketing, setting precedence of how marketing may(should) evolve in this era. This is actually what a consumer centric business actually means. This is brave. And fortune favours the brave.

Shriya Shetgaunker
Really appreciate your courtesy to be accepting it on such a platform. Positive attitude

It takes a pair to stand up after being wrong! Job done well @thewholetruthfoods !! Acceptance over deleting /ignorance = respect of brand and its values it stands for!

Karishma Rishi Batra
People should learn how to accept their mistakes from you. You people took it so gracefully and you deserve respect. Of course we all are human but being honest and making a public statement like this needs lots and lots of courage and honesty to oneself. 👏👏👏👏 Appreciate. My best wishes are with you ❤️❤️

Shailesh Karwa
To take a higher moral ground and own the truth is never easy, and I am glad that after some of us pointed out the inaccuracy, you had the humility to accept. Truth & Humility make good partners always 👍 well done!

Puneet Singh Puri
I like that you are holding yourself accountable. That's integrity. Kudos

Reik Chakraborty
Takes a lot of courage to admit a mistake. Respect to you guys. :)

Gargi Sandu
Staying true to your brand core values and what you’ll stand for 👍🏻👏🏻

Jayashree Chinnaswami
It’s not easy to apologise 😍Proud of you ❤️

Dr Vignesh Devraj MD(Ay)
We love the values you always portray and live @thewholetruthfoods you are a true inspiration 🙌

Chirag Jhumkhawala
I love what you guys do. You are building a identity. A dna

And thats an attitude we fitness enthusiasts expect from the brands! Total honesty.. kudos to maintaining this 👏👏

The name purely symbolises with this post ..🙌 Unafraid to speak the truth ...Trust grows were truth goes

Sameer Gupta
I missed the original post but reading this post, establishes my belief in you. The fact that you went all out to admit a mistake openly is what won me over👏😊

sawan vyas
Science can be questioned, corrected, even changed at times. But not character. This is character. Good approach guys...

Vidur Singh
Truly appreciate this post. Makes me want to trust and engage with your content more

Sukhbir Singh
My company gifted us @thewholetruthfoods bars on Diwali and they awesome 🔥🔥 glad to know, how you decided to fight against them!

Naitree Desai
Your bars are excellent! No comparison, keep doing the good work.

Aakash Srivastava
Just submitted a new review. The whole truth and nothing else ;) 🤗

Dr. Adwait Ranade
Haters are gonna hate! Leave them where they belong! We are always with you as your loyal customers!! More power to you!! Just love love love your protein bars!!

@thewholetruthfoods Do not worry about negativity sir ,We know your protein bars ,trust me they’re truly amazing ,much needed energy in this pandemic ,I’ve put a story in my page supporting you against these fake reviews,please check it ,This is my smallest help I could do ❤️

Keri | Skincare & wellness
I will support you just for echoing, "When they go low, we go high". Love me some Obamaisms 😁 also, despicable behaviour. 😡 But you needn't worry, yours is the long term vision which always pays off. Just focus on what you do and you'll be golden😊💛

Jitesh Khandelwal
A lesson from video games. If you're being attacked it means you're going on the right track. 😜

Amita Ghosh
Can’t beleive this! I personally had it and it was amazing !!

Shanthan Kasula
We are with you @thewholetruthfoods

Archana Satwalekar
As a mom the best bar ever and my two teenagers agree !

Abhijeet Vaishnav
You don't even need to clarify dude. People know your purity. You've made an impact. They don't even matter

Ankit Bhanot
I have finished two boxes and my next one is from Amazon just to give you

Arushi Kukreja
You have the support of those who have tasted the bars...have left a glowing review for the bars I love and trust.

Karan Sachdev
Bad taste? Too sweet? They have definately not had your bars. Would be happy to leave a good review.

Diksha Pande
Shashank Mehta I am not a protein bar fan but just to support your fight will order. Restaurants and food service businesses have long been victims of this phenomenon. Don't let this bother you. Your community will stand by you in the long term

Tamiesh (Tam) Sood
Sad to see this happening. I love the product both as a consumer and as an avid follower of the D2C space. Will definitely do my bit.

Aish Vinder (Udhamsingh.eth)
I've seen horrible practice being done by multiple companies, broke my heart to see it. I just gave 5 different reviews on your product right now and also placing the order right now.

Sandeep Ramesh
Just a road bump on the highway. I'm more interested in when you guys will be available in the US:) I can tell you I have not found a better bar here. Shashank Mehta

Aditi Lipin
This takes courage, kudos! I'm someone very far from your TG but still followed your page for the detailed information.

Bhavini Verma
Sending validation!🔥 Keep up the great work team❤️

Aprajita Vaid
A brand that wants to be conscious about their content. Only makes me love you guys more ♥️

Neha C. Parihar
Don't go. You are one of the few authentic pages on Insta whose posts I look forward to. It just makes logical sense for a person o follow you. Even if you go, come back soon and thanks for enlightening us on topics we never knew we needed enlightenment 🙏🏻

Poruri Sai Rahul
Don’t worry @thewholetruthfoods , i still follow you closely on YouTube and probably most true foodies here do as well. Keep up the scientifically well researched work and for taking on the huge challenge of educating people about something they don’t want to know about or don’t care enough to know about.

This. This is the caption i needed to read today. Thank you. Enjoy your break, no matter whatever led to it :)

Malini Agarwal (MissMalini)
Oh that hit me right on the feels ❤️🩹 let’s meet offline and hug it out and never post about it.

Sonal Choudhury
I feel the drift, and I have so much respect for a brand that acknowledges it. Do what it takes for you to be whole, because there are only a few who are as truthful as you. More power to you ❤️

Nidhi | HealthyHairEnthusiast
Completely feel you.. I stopped using Instagram for sometime for the same reason. I hope you find a better platform that deserves your in-depth knowledge.❤️

Kudos to @twitellectual for taking a stand to take a break from Instagram while building @wholetruthfood. I strongly believe that the rabbit hole of these algorithms only makes them richer & doesn’t really add any value to your business.

Apt that @wholetruthfood called out the instagram algorithm. Such platform thinking reduces brand marketing to putting up (mindless) content every single day. PoVs like these are also needed to counter big tech's vacuous big talk. @twitellectual

Abhishek Agrawal
Have been following your page post and the interviews that you have given on "taking a break from insta"..must say "bold" and "strong move" and love the way you are building trust and credibility in this "half-truth food ecosystem". Love the "whole truth" of The Whole Truth Foods brand ❤

Mansi Gupta
Takes a lot of courage! But what you did here takes it to another level. As a founder of Indian start up, you are an inspiration. Especially how were able to acknowledge the drift and more so, act on it. Speaks volumes about you as a leader. Thank you for making 'take a break' feel so normal. Humanization of a brand, establishes so much about you and your products.

Ruchika Wadhwa Bhalla
It's commendable how honest and outspoken this move is. Hoping more and more leaders take this route. And I'm sure that your tribe and your loyal customers are not going to be negatively affected by this. If anything, this builds even more trust! An amazing and empowering move! 🔥Sending you and your team only the best and the most "whole"some wishes. :)

Shubham Agarwal
Shashank Mehta you are not only re-building trust in food but also re-building marketing, setting precedence of how marketing may(should) evolve in this era. This is actually what a consumer centric business actually means. This is brave. And fortune favours the brave.

Shriya Shetgaunker
Really appreciate your courtesy to be accepting it on such a platform. Positive attitude

It takes a pair to stand up after being wrong! Job done well @thewholetruthfoods !! Acceptance over deleting /ignorance = respect of brand and its values it stands for!

Karishma Rishi Batra
People should learn how to accept their mistakes from you. You people took it so gracefully and you deserve respect. Of course we all are human but being honest and making a public statement like this needs lots and lots of courage and honesty to oneself. 👏👏👏👏 Appreciate. My best wishes are with you ❤️❤️

Shailesh Karwa
To take a higher moral ground and own the truth is never easy, and I am glad that after some of us pointed out the inaccuracy, you had the humility to accept. Truth & Humility make good partners always 👍 well done!

Puneet Singh Puri
I like that you are holding yourself accountable. That's integrity. Kudos

Reik Chakraborty
Takes a lot of courage to admit a mistake. Respect to you guys. :)

Gargi Sandu
Staying true to your brand core values and what you’ll stand for 👍🏻👏🏻

Jayashree Chinnaswami
It’s not easy to apologise 😍Proud of you ❤️

Dr Vignesh Devraj MD(Ay)
We love the values you always portray and live @thewholetruthfoods you are a true inspiration 🙌

Chirag Jhumkhawala
I love what you guys do. You are building a identity. A dna

And thats an attitude we fitness enthusiasts expect from the brands! Total honesty.. kudos to maintaining this 👏👏

The name purely symbolises with this post ..🙌 Unafraid to speak the truth ...Trust grows were truth goes

Sameer Gupta
I missed the original post but reading this post, establishes my belief in you. The fact that you went all out to admit a mistake openly is what won me over👏😊

sawan vyas
Science can be questioned, corrected, even changed at times. But not character. This is character. Good approach guys...

Vidur Singh
Truly appreciate this post. Makes me want to trust and engage with your content more

Sukhbir Singh
My company gifted us @thewholetruthfoods bars on Diwali and they awesome 🔥🔥 glad to know, how you decided to fight against them!

Naitree Desai
Your bars are excellent! No comparison, keep doing the good work.

Aakash Srivastava
Just submitted a new review. The whole truth and nothing else ;) 🤗

Dr. Adwait Ranade
Haters are gonna hate! Leave them where they belong! We are always with you as your loyal customers!! More power to you!! Just love love love your protein bars!!

@thewholetruthfoods Do not worry about negativity sir ,We know your protein bars ,trust me they’re truly amazing ,much needed energy in this pandemic ,I’ve put a story in my page supporting you against these fake reviews,please check it ,This is my smallest help I could do ❤️

Keri | Skincare & wellness
I will support you just for echoing, "When they go low, we go high". Love me some Obamaisms 😁 also, despicable behaviour. 😡 But you needn't worry, yours is the long term vision which always pays off. Just focus on what you do and you'll be golden😊💛

Jitesh Khandelwal
A lesson from video games. If you're being attacked it means you're going on the right track. 😜

Amita Ghosh
Can’t beleive this! I personally had it and it was amazing !!

Shanthan Kasula
We are with you @thewholetruthfoods

Archana Satwalekar
As a mom the best bar ever and my two teenagers agree !

Abhijeet Vaishnav
You don't even need to clarify dude. People know your purity. You've made an impact. They don't even matter

Ankit Bhanot
I have finished two boxes and my next one is from Amazon just to give you

Arushi Kukreja
You have the support of those who have tasted the bars...have left a glowing review for the bars I love and trust.

Karan Sachdev
Bad taste? Too sweet? They have definately not had your bars. Would be happy to leave a good review.

Diksha Pande
Shashank Mehta I am not a protein bar fan but just to support your fight will order. Restaurants and food service businesses have long been victims of this phenomenon. Don't let this bother you. Your community will stand by you in the long term

Tamiesh (Tam) Sood
Sad to see this happening. I love the product both as a consumer and as an avid follower of the D2C space. Will definitely do my bit.

Aish Vinder (Udhamsingh.eth)
I've seen horrible practice being done by multiple companies, broke my heart to see it. I just gave 5 different reviews on your product right now and also placing the order right now.

Sandeep Ramesh
Just a road bump on the highway. I'm more interested in when you guys will be available in the US:) I can tell you I have not found a better bar here. Shashank Mehta
Stop the press!
print the love!
from startup fam

Suchita SalwanFounder

Mayank GoyalFounder

Chandni NihalaniDirector - Paypal India

Nithin KamathFounder

Avnish BajajFounder

Suchita SalwanFounder

Mayank GoyalFounder

Chandni NihalaniDirector - Paypal India

Nithin KamathFounder

Avnish BajajFounder

Suchita SalwanFounder

Mayank GoyalFounder

Chandni NihalaniDirector - Paypal India

for our content
Brown Bread vs Whole Wheat vs Multigrain Bread |Which bread is healthiest? | The Whole Truth Academy
- @
This just blew my mind. I have been eating Wheat bread everyday thinking that I'm smart and I don't eat maida at all! I couldn't have been more wrong!!
- @
This was one of the first posts that caught my attention back in the day while scrolling IG. Glad to see all the way you've made from then!
- @
Crisp and informative video as always. The only thing I don't like is that everytime I watch these videos I realise how foolish I was regarding my buying decisions. Keep up the good work.
- @
Sir, I I have been experimenting with baking my own sourdough breads using starter, maida/whole wheat flour/ other grains, salt & water. I can add following information. 1. Bread can not be made without gluten which is only present in wheat. 2. Breeds of 100% wheat or multigrain with more than 10% non wheat component become too dense for lliking of most people. 3. Breads made with commercial yeast will need additives to increase shelf life. Only sourdough breads have better shelf life without additives. Anyone looking to eat healthy bread has to opt for sourdough breads. They have their unique tangy flavour & develop taste it to believe it kind of crunchiness on toasting
- @
So called Bread companies call their bread to be '100% whole wheat' but their 1st ingredient is 'wheat flour' and use the colour '150a' which is such a I've been eating this since years spending extra money by thinking it is healthy for us and turns out that i was consuming maida all these days with an assumption of having healthy food. Seriously these food brands who are fooling us by advertising their products to be healthy should be sued. I used to suggest others to eat brown bread thinking that it may help but this video just made me realise I've been eating maida all these days.....Thanks 'The whole truth' team for this video
How to Read Ingredient Lists | Part 1/2 | The Whole Truth Academy
- @
An ad that I couldn't skip. Brilliant information. Keep posting. India needs this.
- @
Came here through YouTube ads. Great video. Learnt a lot about stuff that I eat. Keep it up 👍
- @
Please upload the second part. This was the longest ad that I watched full. I couldn't skip it, it was so interesting. Thank u
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I immediately skip the ad if it is skipable. This time I couldn't resist a 7 minutes long advertisement. The content is far better than bloody news I was watching. Keep up the good work.
- @
This was an eye opener!! Very interesting and informative! Can't wait for the second part!
Which sugar alternative has the lowest glycemic index? | Brown sugar, jaggery and honey | TWTA
- @
The fact that jaggery and pure honey don't go through so called refining process where good nutrients are removed and synthetic stuff is added itself makes things clear. Very well said only reducing sugar intake and using jaggery wen needed is the best way through. My parent used to consume more jaggery as u said .
- @
You are the exception in YouTube. There is no one like you.
- @
Well, sir, you have forgotten to mention Palm Jaggery (Karupatti in Tamil Nadu), which has a GI of just 35, the lowest among all you mentioned. It is widely produced in the South, especially in Tamil Nadu. It's also packed with nutrients similar to cane sugar jaggery. I use it every day in syrup form. I guess it's the best option among all for daily consumption in moderation. Dates, on average, have a GI higher than 40, so I suggest you use Palm Jaggery in all your products to make them even healthier and, of course, tastier. It would also provide an income to the farmers who put in very hard work to produce Palm Jaggery from palm trees.
- @
This goes for all of your videos. First of all, thank you for making this simple. At 38 years old, I don’t remember anyone explaining this information so simple. I finally understand! Second, I HIGHLY appreciate you always explaining your abbreviations. Instead of saying stuff like GI and expecting everyone to know what that is, you actually tell us. Thank you! I liked and subscribed.
- @
I love the way this video gives a completley honest unbiased explanation on each product, love the work
Honest Influencer Marketing | The Whole Truth Sayers program
- @
I work in Public Relations and I am so tired of explaining to brands why we refuse to work on an influencer marketing campaign! This is so relatable and I am so GLAD SOMEONE has picked this conversation up. This was a long time coming, 2 years too late. But we're here now.
- @
This is absolutely mind-blowing. Someone had to speak about this reality and who better than The Whole Truth :))
- @
So The Whole Truth is that the CEO has totally convinced me into buying the healthy bars.. He himself should put down his name in the list of Influencers for the brand!! Amazing job!! This Whole Truth really made my day!! 🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩
- @
This was one of the best YouTube ads I have seen in a long while. Kudos to the creators.
- @
Holy lord I never in my life have watched a complete YouTube ad and came to re-watch it!!! It's sooo freaking good that I couldn't help myself!!! Amazing!!!
Our Food is Screwed | What Food Companies Don't Want You to Know | #TheWholeTruth
- @
Holy shit, this is THE BEST AD I'VE EVER SEEN. I didn't skip it, I specifically navigated to your website to see the full thing because it intrigued me so much!!!
- @
- @
Gotta say, a refreshing advert program and entertaining too, I didn't click the skip button which goes on to show how engaging it was from the first sec. Clearly an example to follow for others. Cheers!
- @
This is the first advertisement that I've searched for and clicked on. Bloody good work, guys! <3
Brown Bread vs Whole Wheat vs Multigrain Bread |Which bread is healthiest? | The Whole Truth Academy
- @
This just blew my mind. I have been eating Wheat bread everyday thinking that I'm smart and I don't eat maida at all! I couldn't have been more wrong!!
- @
This was one of the first posts that caught my attention back in the day while scrolling IG. Glad to see all the way you've made from then!
- @
Crisp and informative video as always. The only thing I don't like is that everytime I watch these videos I realise how foolish I was regarding my buying decisions. Keep up the good work.
- @
Sir, I I have been experimenting with baking my own sourdough breads using starter, maida/whole wheat flour/ other grains, salt & water. I can add following information. 1. Bread can not be made without gluten which is only present in wheat. 2. Breeds of 100% wheat or multigrain with more than 10% non wheat component become too dense for lliking of most people. 3. Breads made with commercial yeast will need additives to increase shelf life. Only sourdough breads have better shelf life without additives. Anyone looking to eat healthy bread has to opt for sourdough breads. They have their unique tangy flavour & develop taste it to believe it kind of crunchiness on toasting
- @
So called Bread companies call their bread to be '100% whole wheat' but their 1st ingredient is 'wheat flour' and use the colour '150a' which is such a I've been eating this since years spending extra money by thinking it is healthy for us and turns out that i was consuming maida all these days with an assumption of having healthy food. Seriously these food brands who are fooling us by advertising their products to be healthy should be sued. I used to suggest others to eat brown bread thinking that it may help but this video just made me realise I've been eating maida all these days.....Thanks 'The whole truth' team for this video
How to Read Ingredient Lists | Part 1/2 | The Whole Truth Academy
- @
An ad that I couldn't skip. Brilliant information. Keep posting. India needs this.
- @
Came here through YouTube ads. Great video. Learnt a lot about stuff that I eat. Keep it up 👍
- @
Please upload the second part. This was the longest ad that I watched full. I couldn't skip it, it was so interesting. Thank u
- @
I immediately skip the ad if it is skipable. This time I couldn't resist a 7 minutes long advertisement. The content is far better than bloody news I was watching. Keep up the good work.
- @
This was an eye opener!! Very interesting and informative! Can't wait for the second part!
Which sugar alternative has the lowest glycemic index? | Brown sugar, jaggery and honey | TWTA
- @
The fact that jaggery and pure honey don't go through so called refining process where good nutrients are removed and synthetic stuff is added itself makes things clear. Very well said only reducing sugar intake and using jaggery wen needed is the best way through. My parent used to consume more jaggery as u said .
- @
You are the exception in YouTube. There is no one like you.
- @
Well, sir, you have forgotten to mention Palm Jaggery (Karupatti in Tamil Nadu), which has a GI of just 35, the lowest among all you mentioned. It is widely produced in the South, especially in Tamil Nadu. It's also packed with nutrients similar to cane sugar jaggery. I use it every day in syrup form. I guess it's the best option among all for daily consumption in moderation. Dates, on average, have a GI higher than 40, so I suggest you use Palm Jaggery in all your products to make them even healthier and, of course, tastier. It would also provide an income to the farmers who put in very hard work to produce Palm Jaggery from palm trees.
- @
This goes for all of your videos. First of all, thank you for making this simple. At 38 years old, I don’t remember anyone explaining this information so simple. I finally understand! Second, I HIGHLY appreciate you always explaining your abbreviations. Instead of saying stuff like GI and expecting everyone to know what that is, you actually tell us. Thank you! I liked and subscribed.
- @
I love the way this video gives a completley honest unbiased explanation on each product, love the work
Honest Influencer Marketing | The Whole Truth Sayers program
- @
I work in Public Relations and I am so tired of explaining to brands why we refuse to work on an influencer marketing campaign! This is so relatable and I am so GLAD SOMEONE has picked this conversation up. This was a long time coming, 2 years too late. But we're here now.
- @
This is absolutely mind-blowing. Someone had to speak about this reality and who better than The Whole Truth :))
- @
So The Whole Truth is that the CEO has totally convinced me into buying the healthy bars.. He himself should put down his name in the list of Influencers for the brand!! Amazing job!! This Whole Truth really made my day!! 🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩
- @
This was one of the best YouTube ads I have seen in a long while. Kudos to the creators.
- @
Holy lord I never in my life have watched a complete YouTube ad and came to re-watch it!!! It's sooo freaking good that I couldn't help myself!!! Amazing!!!
Our Food is Screwed | What Food Companies Don't Want You to Know | #TheWholeTruth
- @
Holy shit, this is THE BEST AD I'VE EVER SEEN. I didn't skip it, I specifically navigated to your website to see the full thing because it intrigued me so much!!!
- @
- @
Gotta say, a refreshing advert program and entertaining too, I didn't click the skip button which goes on to show how engaging it was from the first sec. Clearly an example to follow for others. Cheers!
- @
This is the first advertisement that I've searched for and clicked on. Bloody good work, guys! <3
The Whole Truth of
Influencer Marketing
On 6th October, we put out an open call for influencers who are respected for their expertise and their honest opinions. After going through 120+ applications, we shortlisted 30 on the 2nd December.

batch of 2021
Dheepesh Bhatt@shivohamofficial
Sonam Jain@themagicplatter
Varun Nair@varun22nair
Harjas Sethi@vellijanani
Varsha Kabra@yummy_n_healthy_food_recipe
Zoe Modgill@zoemodgill
Sorabh Pant @sorabhpant
Varun Thakur@varunthakur
Aarati Kulkarni@aaratistic
Salil Jamdar@saliljamdar
Gayathri Sitaraman@liftlikegaya3
Vividh Ashok @vividh.thekurtaguy
Praful Jain@praful_creations
Shelvin James @rj_shelvin
Rahul Hariharan@rahulonthedrums
Abhijit Vaghani@abhijitvaghani
Aditya Gundeti@adityacomedy
Shubh Hamirwasia@kaaffi_shubh
Aditya Gajra@adityabhanushalii
Anaheez Patel@anaheezpatel
Punya Arora@clickmadness
Divya Fofani@divyafofanii
Saachi Rajadhyaksha @Heyitssaach
Naima K. Rahimtulla@maleehaloves
Sumit Mehta@Mehta_notmehtey
Megha Maheshwari@momandthebeauty
Mayank B Nagori@nagori
Manish Kapoor@pehlehealth
Reetika jalan@reetikajalan
Sevya Sethuraman@sevyamusic
Dheepesh Bhatt@shivohamofficial
Sonam Jain@themagicplatter
Varun Nair@varun22nair
Harjas Sethi@vellijanani
Varsha Kabra@yummy_n_healthy_food_recipe
Zoe Modgill@zoemodgill
Sorabh Pant @sorabhpant
Varun Thakur@varunthakur
Aarati Kulkarni@aaratistic
Salil Jamdar@saliljamdar
Gayathri Sitaraman@liftlikegaya3
Vividh Ashok @vividh.thekurtaguy
Praful Jain@praful_creations
Shelvin James @rj_shelvin
Rahul Hariharan@rahulonthedrums
Abhijit Vaghani@abhijitvaghani
Aditya Gundeti@adityacomedy
Shubh Hamirwasia@kaaffi_shubh
Aditya Gajra@adityabhanushalii
Anaheez Patel@anaheezpatel
Punya Arora@clickmadness
Divya Fofani@divyafofanii
Saachi Rajadhyaksha @Heyitssaach
Naima K. Rahimtulla@maleehaloves
Sumit Mehta@Mehta_notmehtey
Megha Maheshwari@momandthebeauty
Mayank B Nagori@nagori
Manish Kapoor@pehlehealth
Reetika jalan@reetikajalan
Sevya Sethuraman@sevyamusic
Dheepesh Bhatt@shivohamofficial
Sonam Jain@themagicplatter
Varun Nair@varun22nair
Harjas Sethi@vellijanani
Varsha Kabra@yummy_n_healthy_food_recipe
Zoe Modgill@zoemodgill
Our Food is Screwed | What Food Companies Don't Want You to Know | #TheWholeTruth
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Read More Comments@Avighna
Holy shit, this is THE BEST AD I'VE EVER SEEN. I didn't skip it, I specifically navigated to your website to see the full thing because it intrigued me so much!!!
Gotta say, a refreshing advert program and entertaining too, I didn't click the skip button which goes on to show how engaging it was from the first sec. Clearly an example to follow for others. Cheers!
This is the first advertisement that I've searched for and clicked on. Bloody good work, guys! <3