Chemical x Dictionary

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What is Vanillin?

Vanillin, the principal chemical in vanilla beans, is predominantly synthesised from wood or biomass sources. Possessing a sweet, balsamic, and pleasant aroma, it serves as a synthetic substitute for natural vanilla extract. Widely employed as a flavouring agent, It imparts its distinctive taste to numerous products. Its synthetic production provides a cost-effective alternative to the labour-intensive extraction from vanilla beans, making it a key component in the food industry for achieving the coveted vanilla flavour profile in various culinary applications. 

What are the other names this ingredient is also known as? 

Artificial (Vanillin) Flavour,Artificial Flavour (Vanillin),Artificial Flavouring Substance (Vanillin),Permitted Flavours (Vanillin)

What products is it used in? 

Vanillin is used as a flavouring agent in ice creams, chocolates, baked goods and any other confectioneries. It is used in perfumes and fragrances in both cleaning products and candles, and in medicines to mask any unpleasant tastes. It is also used in beverages to give a rich and creamy vanilla flavour. It is also considered to be a valuable preservation and prevents the growth of yeast and mould, thus increasing their shelf life. 

What is the source of this ingredient?

 Vanillin can be both natural and synthetic. Natural form of this ingredient is extracted from vanilla beans, while the synthetic form is produced from various sources like lignin or guaiacol. Regarding being vegan or vegetarian, both natural and synthetic vanillin are typically considered vegan and vegetarian, as they don’t involve direct use of animal products. However, individuals with specific dietary concerns may want to check product labels for confirmation.  

Why is it bad?

Most of  it, constituting 99%, is derived from artificial sources, potentially triggering allergic reactions, digestive issues, and headaches due to its intense aroma. This prevalent use of synthetic vanillin raises concerns about its impact on health, emphasising the need for awareness regarding its potential adverse effects. 

What should I do?

It’s okay to consume in moderation. 

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